Is it time to renew your solar monitoring?
Do you use our ‘Sunny Days’ monitoring and metering system, if you do then you might want to read on?
We are frequently asked by customers about the remote metering we offer. We started remote metering in 2010. For most customers there are two main benefits of remote metering. First, our customers get to see exactly what their solar system is generating in find resolution. Second, we are alerted automatically if your system stops working or there are any issues. This allows us to continue our high-quality service to you after the installation is complete.
In May 2012, we began installing a new state of the art system that we call ‘Sunny Days’, which alerts us of reduced performance, taking into account the actual weather and expected generation. You can see an example from one of our latest systems here.
Access to the data is not just limited to our use either, using your own login details, which you should have been sent by post or email on completion of the installation, you can have your own access to your solar array’s data. If you would like us to take a closer look at the performance of your system using your own generation data, then we would be more than happy to do so.
If you are currently using this system, then you need to be aware that after the first year for commercial customers and after two years for residential customers you will need to renew your account if you still require the service. You can renew for 1 year online. You should receive a reminder email from Joju or the system itself, so if you have changed your email (or moved house!) since your system was set up then please let us know.
We also offer various ways of measuring how much electricity is sent to the grid, and how much you use. This way you can see exactly what you are saving on bills.
For any questions on monitoring please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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