EV Charging Installations for Fleet Vehicles
Many public sector organisations are looking to transition at least some of their fleet vehicles to either plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV), which use a combination of electricity and conventional fuel to run, or pure BEVs, which are entirely battery-powered and release zero tailpipe emissions when in operation.
Running and maintenance costs for electric vehicles are lower than for internal combustion engine vehicles. From hybrid fire engines, EV police cars and other emergency response vehicles, to councils deploying electric vans and NHS Trusts’ pool cars that run purely on electricity, the estimated fuel-savings alone, when switching to these types of vehicles, can run into tens of thousands of pounds every year.
In order for the transition from conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to be as smooth as possible, the appropriate infrastructure needs to be put in place for these fleet vehicles to be charged, as and when required. There are several EV charging procurement frameworks used by a wide range of public sector bodies to ensure that an appropriate charging network is put in place for fleet vehicles, with installations carried out by approved providers. The correct framework for you to use will depend on a few different variables; you can find out the most appropriate framework to use for your fleet EV charging requirements here.
Fleet EV charge points can usually be installed where the vehicles are currently parked when not in use. A full feasibility study will need to be carried out to determine whether sufficient capacity exists on existing electricity supplies, or new supplies are required. This study will design a robust charging solution that works for your individual requirements and has the capacity grow over time, as more and more fleet vehicles become fuelled by electricity.
We can help any public sector organisation or department carry out the necessary feasibility studies, undertake grid connection applications, apply for government funding (where available) and explore other funding options to make this essential transition as smooth as possible.