Joju’s Super Summer
46 sites, 23 Schools, 9581 solar panels, 2494.16 kWp of panels and 15, 587metres squared of installations – it has been a very busy Summer for Joju.
The sun might still be sizzling in September but our sizzling summer of non-stop installs has finally slowed down. Children all over the country returned to schools last week with new solar PV arrays. Employees at nine Marks and Spencer’s stores are now working at sites with solar power. And driving enthusiasts at Prodrive, Banbury can see the UK’s biggest community-owned roof mounted solar installation with and incredible 2446 solar panels. Joju have installed enough solar panels this summer to cover Wembley Football Pitch completely more than twice.
Summer is always a busy time for Joju. Schools and community buildings aren’t as busy and it gives our team of brilliant project managers and installers the opportunity to get on site and work their magic- and in doing so cause the minimum disruption to pupils and community groups. This Summer has been no different.
Our team of Joe Gabriel, Ed Baughan, Mark Liu, Laura Moreno and Paul Neale have managed projects all over the UK on schools, churches, libraries, and community centres. They have travelled up and down the country making sure all our installations have gone without a hitch and have proven time after time what a great team we have working here at Joju.
Over the next few weeks case studies from some of these installations will appear on our website, where you can find out more information about individual projects.
If you are interested in solar PV installations for your commercial property then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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