A Drone’s Eye View of Prodrive
Stunning footage of the biggest community-owned roof top solar installation in the UK as well as a feature on BBC South for Joju’s incredible installation at Prodrive, Banbury.
This week Prodrive chairman, David Richards, switched on the biggest community-owned roof top solar installation in the UK. The 2446 solar panels on the roof of Prodrive’s headquarters by the M40 in Banbury will generate up to 636 kW of clean electricity for the business, saving 5600 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 20 years. The project is one of several rooftop solar projects completed over the summer by Oxford-based social enterprise Low Carbon Hub on schools and businesses across Oxfordshire, which Joju have installed.
The project’s size is significant not only for the 636 kW of clean energy it will generate for Prodrive and the national grid, but because it will add £240,000 over 20 years to the Hub’s community benefit fund, projected at £3.5 million over 20 years.
Prodrive have produced incredible (and rather cool) drone footage (we want one!!) of the huge installation at Prodrive which really shows it in its full glory. 2446 panels postitioned perfectly to create the UK’s largest community owned roof top installation.
As well the footage released this week by Prodrive the installation was also featured on the local BBC South News. Despite some inaccuracies in the report about FiTs ending this week (not true) the article is a brilliant example of fantastic coverage of one of Joju’s most impressive installations ever.
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