Trophy for Joju Solar's award by Global Brands Magazine

Most innovative renewable energy brand, 2024

We’ve got some exciting news to share. Joju Solar is the winner of Global Brands Magazine’s award for Most Innovative Renewable Energy Brand in the UK.

Global Brands Magazine provides a guide to the world’s best brands, the awards are in their 12th year and a thorough research team evaluates the brand from top to toe, so we’re proud to come out as 2024 recipients.

The reaction

The Global Brands Magazine judging panel commented:

“Joju Solar has shown remarkable commitment to innovation, quality branding, customer experience and impressive overall performance in the renewable energy sector in the United Kingdom.”

And Joju’s Managing Director, Jacob Colton, said:

“It’s fantastic to receive this award for the most innovative renewable energy brand in the UK – a real credit to our hardworking teams, who are always focused on delivering excellence for our customers. It’s particularly pleasing to be recognised across residential and commercial solar and battery storage, as well as for the work we do in the public and private sectors to install EV Charging infrastructure. We’d like to thank our clients and partners as we continue to help shape the renewable energy sector and make a tangible difference by improving air quality and reducing energy costs”. 

Proud recipients

Huge congratulations go to our team and as Jacob said, a massive thank you to all our customers and partners.

After 18 years, we’re as committed to helping increase the uptake in solar, battery storage and EV Charging as we’ve always been.  Thanks to Global Brands Magazine for seeing that in us and recognising it.

Let’s talk!

If you’d like to partner with the UK’s most innovative renewable energy brand, whether you want solar for your business, your home, schools, universities, heritage or public sector buildings, please let us know. Or if you’re interested in battery storage or EV Charging Infrastructure, do contact us. We’d love to have a conversation about your next project.